Friday, December 09, 2011
An intro to Scouting

offered me a warning.
Now when I think of scouts I think I am like most American's and get the image of the good kid helping the old lady across the street and having a strong sense core value about him.
So off to a local meeting we went. Upon entering the door a kid jumps out in front of us and shouts that they have juice and smiles!What I received in my warning told quite a different story. Regan's older son D, had done Weblos a few years ago and decided that it was not for him...some of the kids were a I spoke to my brother Ronnie...he too was a Weblo, he encouraged me to give it a shot with W.
I nearly walked us out at that moment.
No...W wants to check this we will.
Willie starts tal
king to a few of the boys...he is getting along and the parents are nice.
However, some of these kids were bouncing off the walls like they had not had

their meds in weeks. W was quite excited about the activities coming up so we s
igned up.
With W's age/grade group he is a Bear Scout. He is enjoying the experience so far. He got to march in the Christmas parade here in Garner, N.C., and he has already earned his first badge, the Bobcat.

I understand why my folks were abit reluctant to get involved with this though. In order for the kid to REALLY get alot of scouting at such a young age the parent really has to be engaged in the process. I am happily surprised when I found out how interactive the local scouting website is with tracking the scouts achievements. Yes, you still have the book but the website is very interactive. So W is moving along and doing stuff. I am pretty sure he will have the "What's Cooking" achievement knocked out by the next pack meeting!
Will he keep going with it past this year? Who knows, but he seems to be enjoying it now.
Labels: Garner, North Carolina, scouting
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