Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Drop off at School
When I was a kid we got up in the morning, got dressed, went downstairs ate breakfast, put on our coats and book-bags and then walked up to the bus stop. When I was living in South Carolina the walk to the bus stop was a quarter mile away. Not to mention when I was in South Carolina living on Canterbury Lane, I had to walk past a house with two big dogs that use to chase me and any other kid when we walked by.
When I moved to New Jersey the bus stop was only two houses away but we went out there in all kinds of weather and we waited for the bus. Sometimes it rained sometimes it was REALLY cold, sometimes the bus was late but you know what...WE WAITED FOR THE BUS.
Today I see kids being taken to school by the car loads. I never saw as many kids being dropped off when I was a kid or being picked up for that matter. If I had asked my dad or mom to drop me off at school just because they would have told me to carry my tail to the bus stop.
What is so different today from when we were kids that makes taking the bus so bad? The buses are newer and the ride to school is not that long. Heck W's school is right outside the neighborhood.
One of my neighbors told me she never lets her son ride the bus.
To be honest here I have dropped off W, from school. However, it was a thing of I am needing to leave early, come on lets go now.
So again I ask, why is it so important to take your kid to school in the car instead of using the bus that is going to run anyway?
Labels: busing, Holly Oaks, Lakehurst, rob Kerns, s.c., School, summerville
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Walking Down Memory Lane
Every now and then I find myself wondering about websites I use to visit. It is weird how a website can be like a friend you have fallen out of touch with. You use to have contact with the site once maybe more times a day. If the site had a forum maybe you were part of the community. Perhaps the site was one you introduced other friends to and then they too were part of the site and all its glory.
Then things change....
Perhaps the site changed its layout and you were uncomfortable with it. Could it be that someone else got the domain name and then all the sudden the site you use to go to for your favorite cross-stitch patterns now had all this info on automotive repair.
I know I stopped going to some sites due to their adding endless pop-ups. I think that is mainly a thing of the past but it was enough to drive me away.
This leads to the old line in relationships, "You changed man!" could just did not find the info on the page something you were caring about anymore.
You begin to communicate less and less and then finally no contact at happens. People change and so do websites.
This morning I was chatting on Facebook with a high school friend who recently got into podcasting about his show and it got me thinking about shows I use to listen to but do not anymore. So, I began to look around and not too surprising many of them are now gone or have changed completely.
This led to another thought thought about other websites I use to frequent for various news and info. To be honest I think the browsing history of a person says alot about who they are. The Web as been a active part of all of our lives for more than 10 years now.
So I challenge you, my much appreciated reader, to think of 10 websites you went to on a daily basis five years you still go them today?
Friday, December 09, 2011
An intro to Scouting

offered me a warning.
Now when I think of scouts I think I am like most American's and get the image of the good kid helping the old lady across the street and having a strong sense core value about him.
So off to a local meeting we went. Upon entering the door a kid jumps out in front of us and shouts that they have juice and smiles!What I received in my warning told quite a different story. Regan's older son D, had done Weblos a few years ago and decided that it was not for him...some of the kids were a I spoke to my brother Ronnie...he too was a Weblo, he encouraged me to give it a shot with W.
I nearly walked us out at that moment.
No...W wants to check this we will.
Willie starts tal
king to a few of the boys...he is getting along and the parents are nice.
However, some of these kids were bouncing off the walls like they had not had

their meds in weeks. W was quite excited about the activities coming up so we s
igned up.
With W's age/grade group he is a Bear Scout. He is enjoying the experience so far. He got to march in the Christmas parade here in Garner, N.C., and he has already earned his first badge, the Bobcat.

I understand why my folks were abit reluctant to get involved with this though. In order for the kid to REALLY get alot of scouting at such a young age the parent really has to be engaged in the process. I am happily surprised when I found out how interactive the local scouting website is with tracking the scouts achievements. Yes, you still have the book but the website is very interactive. So W is moving along and doing stuff. I am pretty sure he will have the "What's Cooking" achievement knocked out by the next pack meeting!
Will he keep going with it past this year? Who knows, but he seems to be enjoying it now.
Labels: Garner, North Carolina, scouting
Not Forgotten
They say in order to write one must have something to write about. When I was pounding away at the keyboard before I had some things to say. Before here I was blogging over on myspace. I had a pretty good run going...people were reading and commenting.
Then a couple of things happened:
1) My life ugly. It was looking that I might have to leave the Navy before retirement and I was pretty upset about it. This leads into #2.
2) I did something no one should do...I blogged angry. Where to this day I feel what I blogged about was correct it was not a good idea to air these things in such a public place. Truth be told I am not sure where I could have aired them at the time. I was literally trapped on the far side of the world with no idea of when I would ever be coming home. Some higher ups at my command found my blog and gave me a what foring and from what I understand some people back on the island were held accountable for how I was being thrown around.
3) Life just moved me away from this.
Now here we are almost two years since my last post and I am in a much better space. I have retired from the Navy and I engaged to a girl who is the best thing that ever happened to me.
So here I am back at these keys punching away and not sure where to start. There have been alot of things going on that I would love to write about. The world, the President, of course just the things I observe on a daily basis and if you know me at all TV.
So why don't we start and me...the writer and the reader and we will see where this goes.
Things about Rob K. that are different now then before:
I am writing and posting from Garner, N.C.
I am engaged to the love of my life Regan. I looked all around the world to the right girl and there she was, right down the street from where I lived in New Jersey.
I am working on getting my teaching certification to teach middle and high school social studies and government.
I could go on...but I am thinking alot of this will come out in the blog.
So....lets go!
Labels: Diego Garcia, Garner, Navy, North Carolina, rob Kerns
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